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Kin Bio Red Yeast Rice 红麴胶囊 300mg X 60 Capsules Red yeast rice is produced when a mold called Monascus purpureus colonizes and ferments rice. The mold turns the rice dark red and produces a medicinal compound called monacolin K. Red yeast rice has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine for over a thousand years; today, it is sold as a health food and supplement across the world. Benifits- Decreases cholesterol- Lowers blood pressure- Improves metabolic syndrome- Prevents complications of obesity- Reduces inflammation- Improves bone health 红麴又称红麴米,是透过红麴菌(Monascus)生长在已经煮好的饭上,再经过发酵而生产出来的发酵物。《本草纲目》就已经记载了食用红麴对人体健康有益,适合酿酒、入药或食用。红麴菌所产生的莫那可林K,是一种胆固醇抑制剂,能优先降低坏胆固醇,并去除血中脂肪,帮助「清血路」。事实上,早在1985年诺贝尔奖得主就已证实红麴可降低胆固醇,目前也列为健康食品中具有保健功效的食品之一。 所以,早在1980年科学家就发现红麴的代谢物莫那可林K(Monacolin K)可透过抑制HMG-CoA还原酶达到降胆固醇的效用,且一篇发表于2018年1月名为《分子》(Molecules)的期刊的文章,也明确整理出红麴具有降血脂、降血压、抗菌、抗氧化、抗发炎等功能。 除了降低胆固醇,吃红麴还有以下5大好处: 【红麴5大好处】:1.降血糖:红麴成份含有抑制糖分吸收的短链蛋白性物质。2.降血压:红麴含有-胺基丁酸(GABA),具有降血压的效果。3.抗发炎:莫那可林K物质能抑制,或减少动脉血管壁受损时的发炎现象。4.抗老化:红麴产生的抗氧化成份,如黄酮酚等,能清除自由基。5.防痴呆:红麴中的乙醯胆碱可安定神经、提高记忆力。  

Kin Bio Red Yeast Rice 红麴胶囊 300mg X 60 Capsules

Red yeast rice is produced when a mold called Monascus purpureus colonizes and ferments rice. The mold turns the rice dark red and produces a medicinal compound called monacolin K. Red yeast rice has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine for over a thousand years; today, it is sold as a health food and supplement across the world.

- Decreases cholesterol
- Lowers blood pressure
- Improves metabolic syndrome
- Prevents complications of obesity
- Reduces inflammation
- Improves bone health


所以,早在1980年科学家就发现红麴的代谢物莫那可林K(Monacolin K)可透过抑制HMG-CoA还原酶达到降胆固醇的效用,且一篇发表于2018年1月名为《分子》(Molecules)的期刊的文章,也明确整理出红麴具有降血脂、降血压、抗菌、抗氧化、抗发炎等功能。



